Grace and Gratitude

I want to take a minute to pause and write about grace and gratitude. For me, the hard things weigh heavier than the good. I have to exercise my postivity muscle becuase it could always get stronger.

December is my month for reflection. It’s the end of another year, Brian and I both have birthdays, and we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Jesus. That’s where grace comes in. I honestly don’t know what I would do without it. I have to constantly remind myself that salvation isn’t something that can be earned because that’s physically impossible. It’s a gift. The only gift that matters, really. My faith isn’t something I talk about with people, but it’s by far the most important thing to me. It’s the structure that I build my life on, and I will always be striving to strengthen my bond with Christ.

Back to gratitude. I’m grateful for a lot of things. Most importantly, the birth of a healthy baby boy and the life I’ve been blessed with in Madison. I can get so hung up on little things that it’s easy to miss the big beautiful blessings that I see every day. So, God, thank you for those. What are those big beautiful blessings? Scroll down to see both of them.


I could not be happier with the images that Maison Meredith captured. I’ve been following her photography for a while and meeting her and her husband, Caleb, was lovely. 


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