An Ode to Papa

Thank you, Brian. I don’t say it enough. As a mama, I receive a lot of credit, but you shouldn’t go unnoticed. Here’s a list of things that I am forever grateful for.


Thank you for…

going to the grocery store for emergency coffee.
changing Benji’s diaper at 2:00 am.
working hard at your job to provide for our family.
giving me a break when Benji is upset.
loving me with all my flaws.
encouraging me to take care of myself.
keeping track of our finances.
supporting me on my breastfeeding journey.
holding me when I have a bad dream.
getting me ice for my knees in the middle of the night.
being a faithful servant to our savior. 
teaching Benji Japanese.
eating vegetarian dishes and not complaining.
researching anything and everything.
sacrificing your desires when I’m being stubborn. 
telling me I’m a great mama. 

And last but not least, 
Thank you for being an amazing papa to Benji.


This morning, I took this picture of you and Benji on the sofa and it encouraged me to write this post. It brings me so much joy to see you thrive as a papa. I can’t wait to see how your relationship grows as he gets older.


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