Raising an Adventurous Eater: Course Review


Spoiler alert, my toddler doesn’t eat like an angel and I really struggle in this department. BUT I do have peace of mind and I’m educated about how he should be eating and what I can do to nurture good practices. I’m in a better place because of Kara Hoerr and her “How to Raise an Adventurous Eater” online course. Kara gifted me her course in exchange for an honest review. The course itself is only $25 and worth every penny. I finished the course months ago and I’ve been applying the practices ever since. I learned a few concepts that I LOVE and I’ll briefly go through those below. If you want to skip reading my thoughts (I don’t mind), go visit karahoerrnutrition.com/courses and sign up. You won’t regret it.

Division of responsibility. THIS. This is what every parent needs to hear. Provide good food and let your child take it from there. Yes, there might be tears involved when you refuse animal crackers for dinner. Stay strong and don’t let a feeling of guilt take over. Every parent who provides good food options for their children is doing an amazing job. Period.

Tiny humans need tiny amounts of food. This concept is simple and obvious. It is also very important to remember.

Every exposure is a win. If you keep exposing children to difficult foods, they will eventually try it. I set my bar low on this practice because I had zero faith. Jokes on me because it worked. Does Benji eat broccoli every time now? Nope. But sometimes he does and that’s what counts. Also, if you eat at my house, we call broccoli “little trees” because that’s way more fun.

I obviously learned more but I want you to check out the course for yourself if you are looking for practical ideas from an expert. Kara provides so much wisdom and I’m grateful for the effect it had on my family’s mealtimes. I want to point out that I am not perfect. For example, sometimes I negotiate food items even though it’s not recommended. No one is perfect and I don’t pretend to be. Do what works for your family. If you need help, Kara’s course is an excellent source.

Thanks for reading! If you have questions, drop them below or reach out directly to Kara by visiting her website.


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