A Toddler Boy's Bedroom
Benji is no longer a baby so it’s time he gets an upgrade! Take a look at how this room came together for my sweet 2-year old.
I love this cactus toy so much and it speaks to my philosophy on designing rooms. I start with a neutral base and add color with small items that can be removed when I switch things up.
Hanging art: Fire truck technical drawings from an old design project. British bus print found at a garage sale.
The dresser is from Ikea and the mirror is from Target. I’m pretty basic and always look for a deal. Oh, and that chair is from the curb! It just needed a new bolt.
Painting the arches was my favorite part of putting this room together. It is the perfect way to add color to a room’s walls without taking away the brightness.
Painted arch process.
The water print is from Society6. I carried it over from his nursery room.
The cactus toy never stays together for long!
He is pondering what he wants to destroy next.
Thanks for taking a look. If you want any product sources, just ask!