Milk Journey: Milk Maker

Today, I’m sharing a special post on my breastfeeding journey. It’s special because people might actually read it. If this is your first time visiting my little corner of the internet, welcome! I am happy (and totally anxious) to be officially launched. The owner of The Little Milk Bar gifted me the Milk Maker tee for a little launch encouragement. But more importantly, Lindsey and her crew give me strength to be a breastfeeding mama every single day.


Instead of simply updating you on my journey, I’m going to focus on the emotions that come with it. I’m a breastfeeding and working mama. Some days it’s great. Some days it’s stressful. For a few weeks, Benji was drinking 18 oz. at daycare, and I couldn’t keep up with my work pumps. I think it’s amazing how breastfeeding mamas make it look so simple. In reality, there’s more to it. But don’t get me wrong, I love it with every ounce of my body (pun intended, of course).

High highs and low lows.

A Low. One day, I pumped out 5 oz. and accidentally spilled all of it. The person who coined the phrase, “don’t cry over spilled milk”, never breastfed a baby. So, there I was, crying inside a utility closet, mourning the loss of my pump session.

A High. When he’s nursing, I look down at those big beautiful eyes and I wonder how I ever became so lucky to be his mama. When he’s full, he’ll squirm around until he manages to sit up. Then, he looks up at me and gives me the biggest grin. In that moment, it’s all worth it.

A very sad amount of milk.

A very sad amount of milk.

Oversupply in the beginning means a generous frozen stash. It comes in handy when I can’t pump enough at work.

Oversupply in the beginning means a generous frozen stash. It comes in handy when I can’t pump enough at work.

If you know of a woman who is breastfeeding, take a moment and ask her how she’s handling it. I think most women try to hide any struggles. Feeding your child hits close to home and comes with buckets of emotions. Personally, I need to give my body more praise and less heat for what it does for me. I remember rocking a bikini only a few months postpartum. It was a breakthrough because I don’t see all the faults like I used to. I see a bod that gave birth and is making milk to grow a human. Crazy.

If you need encouragement, there are amazing online communities. If it wasn’t for the 2 listed below, I would not have learned how to love myself as a new mom. There is so much power in being open and honest about what you’re going through.

To all the mamas who are working SO hard to provide for your babes, you are amazing.

If you need a shirt to empower your tatas, I highly recommend the Milk Maker Tee.

If you need a shirt to empower your tatas, I highly recommend the Milk Maker Tee.


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Mom Bod