Thirty Things


In honor of turning 30 last month, I have compiled a list of 30 things that I’m grateful for. In no particular order.

  1. Sunshine.

  2. My faith.

  3. Naptime.

  4. My husband, Brian.

  5. The library.

  6. My neighborhood.

  7. Target pickup.

  8. Coffee.

  9. Grace.

  10. Being a SAHM.

  11. In-laws.

  12. Salad kits.

  13. Alone time.

  14. Snowblowers and Brian for using it.

  15. My best friend, Amanda.

  16. Buster the bus.

  17. Kuku.

  18. Painting.

  19. Gym daycare.

  20. Spiritual community.

  21. Play n’ Wisconsin.

  22. Leggings.

  23. Kiddo music.

  24. Peaceful showers.

  25. Painting.

  26. Plants.

  27. Vacuum cleaners.

  28. Alexa shopping list.

  29. Tea.

  30. Last but certainly not least, Benji.

Hello 30s!

Hello 30s!


I'm a Mama and...


Sour Apples