I'm a Mama and...
If you are here, there’s a good chance you are a mama and this letter is for you. Before you were a mama, you were someone else. You are still that person. This idea planted in my mind when I was introduced as a mama AND an artist in an intro email. I was taken back.
Ever since leaving my job, I was focused on identifying myself solely as a stay-at-home mom and I absorbed myself with everything homemaking and child-raising. Meal prepping, playdates, parks, deep-cleaning, kid crafts, organizing, and the list goes on. Symbolically, I was feeding but wasn’t being fed in return. At this stage of life, I have one child. That means if my child naps well, I have a good chunk of alone time every single day. A few months into my “new job”, I started taking action to “feed my passions”. I started to paint.
I have officially taken over my kitchen table.
Some recent abstract experiments.
My background is in graphic design so art has always been important for me. (check out this new work page). In fact, I loved my job and leaving it was very emotional. Quitting my job doesn’t mean I have to quit art (duh). After all, having a creative outlet was the reason I started this blog. Here’s some work because I’m not going to blabber about being an artist without showing something.
Hand-drawn letters.
Where my love of abstract shapes started to come alive.
My first painted collage piece which lit my heart on fire.
An invite cover design for a bonfire couples shower.
A work-in-progress. I’m inspired by moths lately.
“Feeding your passion” looks different for everyone. Whatever it might be, side-hustling or self-caring could be components of it. But for me, it goes deeper than that. If you suddenly stopped making a profit, would you still do it? In the self-care department, it feeds your soul, not your sore muscles (like a massage). So, what does your email intro say about you? Seriously, I really want to know! You are a mama and…
Tessa Gibbs
Mama and Artist