DIY Apple Stamped Towels
Every year, I come home with too many apples from the orchard. If you’re like me and need more uses for them, look no further! Apple stamping is a great activity for kids and adults. I hope you’re excited for apple season because I sure am. 🍎
Acrylic paint
Fabric medium (optional)
Popsicle sticks
Foam brushes
If your towels are new, wash them before printing.
Step one
Cut your apples horizontally or vertically based on your preference.
Step Two
Push a popsicle stick inside the apple to use as a handle.
Step three
Mix your paint to your desired color and add medium if you wish. The medium increases the paint’s durability.
Step four
Use a foam brush to apply paint to the apple.
Step six
Press the stamp down and apply pressure on the apple before lifting. Create a pattern like I did above or give your child a towel and see what they make! My 4-year old son created one and I love it. How cute are those finger painted seeds!?